1.Legal Disclaimer

The information given in this whitepaper may be updated or changed and should not be interpreted as a commitment, promise, or guarantee by BIXOS or any other person or organisation mentioned in this document regarding the future availability of services related to the use of tokens, platforms or the asset’s future performance or value. None of the content in this whitepaper or on the Project website is an offer of a security or any other financial instrument related to any company, including the platforms that back the BIXOS team or any associated companies. This material does not provide advice to purchase, sell, trade or solicit any offer by the token provider to purchase $UBXS tokens, nor should it form the basis of any contract or investment decision.

The sale and transfer of $UBXS tokens will be performed by BIXOS platform, and the proceeds of the sale will fund the cryptocurrency projects, businesses, and operations described in this document. No person is required to enter into any binding legal commitment regarding theornd, or purchase of $UBXS tokens. Any agreement between the Token Provider and a purchaser concerning the sale and purchase of $UBXS tokens will be governed solely by a separate set of documents outlining the terms and conditions of such agreement. If you are a citizen, resident, or green card holder of certain countries, including the USA, China, Singapore, Iran, and North Korea, you are not eligible to purchase $UBXS tokens in the $UBXS ICO/IDO events.

No regulatory or official authority has approved or examined the information presented on the BIXOS website or in this whitepaper, and no such action will be taken under the laws or regulatory requirements of any jurisdiction.

The publication, distribution, or dissemination of any content in this whitepaper or on the BIXOS website does not imply compliance with the laws, regulatory requirements, or rules of any specific country. The whitepaper, the token sale website, platforms or any copy thereof must not be transmitted to any country where distribution or dissemination of this document is prohibited or restricted.

Purchasers of $UBXS tokens should consider the risks and uncertainties associated with the ICO/IDO, including the potential loss of value of the issued token, which may result in a complete, partial loss of its value, as well as the businesses and operations of BIXOS platform and/or the Token Provider.

Last updated